It's strange to think that, with autumn just around the corner, we are enjoying some of the best weather we have seen for months.
The bees and butterflies are making the most of every sunny minute to gather nectar from the last of the late summer flowers. They must have really suffered this year with the constant rain, the high winds and the low temperatures.
It's been a memorable summer nonetheless. I have enjoyed watching the Olympics and Paralympics far more than I expected and can only be proud that the British games were so successful, safe and enjoyable. The energy and dedication of the athletes was somehow infectious, and the enthusiasm of the immense crowds of supporters would lift anyone's spirits. You'd have to be pretty hard-hearted to not be touched by the spirit of the games. And now they're over, I have to admit to feeling a little flat.
This week, however, I've have had a little boost in the form of my new niece who was born on Tuesday. I am very much looking forward to meeting her and have many plans stored up for lovely things to make for her as she grows! I can't really show you what I have been making while watching the sports - that would spoil the surprise!
So instead, I will show you some flowers I made after my visit to Waterperry Gardens.
My route home from the gardens happens to take me past a Hobbycraft. It is VERY hard not to pop in and I invariably end up buying something! This time I had something in mind though for a project I've wanted to try for a while.
So I bought some floral wire so that I could have a go at making some of these wire and fabric flowers.
My first attempt, following Arlette's instructions, was (I have to admit) a complete disaster. They were far too fiddly (yes I know, this coming from someone who crochets miniature blankets for her teeny teddies!) so I decided I'd make the flower head a complete unit instead of making the petals separately.
All the petals are made from Liberty scraps.
Here is my first attempt:
A little wonky as I hadn't really thought out how I would wrap the wire to hold each petal in place. Plus I'm not used to working with wire.
My second attempt was a tiny flower:
It's a bit hard to judge scale here but the shape is better I think.
And here's my third attempt:
This one came out very well and I really like the colours. I think I shall be making more - once I can think of something to do with them!
I have also been meaning to have a go at Kanzashi flower making (see tutorial here) so I made my first attempt recently.
I had to add a 6th petal as I couldn't get 5 to work but again, I'm quite happy with it as a first attempt.
Flowers seem to be a bit of a "thing" for me recently, perhaps it's the lack of exposure to real ones this year. Or perhaps I'm just trying to cling onto the idea of summer for as long as possible!
Do you have a favourite flower pattern/embroidery/tutorial? Perhaps you'd like to share a link in the comments below.