Sunday, 3 June 2012

30 Days of Creativity - Day 3

A very quick post today as I'm going out later. I needed something quick to make so I'd be ready to post it this morning, so I decided to teach myself something new.

That seems like an odd choice, I hear you say!

Normally, I would have to agree with you. On this occasion, however, I had already done the research, bought the materials and chosen my favourite tutorial

And what was my craft of choice? I wanted to make a hemp bracelet (having recently bought some hemp cord). 

Apparently this tutorial uses a macrame stitch. I wouldn't know about that - I just like the pattern (more research needed... maybe there are dozens of stitches I can learn....on reflection, I need another hobby like I need a hole in the head...).

It was very easy. I like easy. It makes a change from super, crazily, ludicrously, excessively fiddly (which seems to be my default setting when choosing projects)!

Here are the photos:

Red, white and blue. The colours of the weekend. I hope all my UK readers have a lovely time: enjoying their extra days off whatever the fickle British weather throws at us.

Happy Jubilee weekend everyone!

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